Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Little Guidance; Up to Me to Solve Problems

Most important thing to know coming into this sort of business is how little guidance there is from the folks you work with. This is pretty typical of venture from what I’ve heard in speaking with others, and it’s definitely the case at [my firm]. I meet with the partners once a week, on my own initiative, to talk through what I’m working on, and other than that, it’s up to me to solve problems and get work done. It’s been quite refreshing, but you’ve definitely got to push yourself to be productive.

1 comment:

  1. This feels extremely common, but also feels like an opportunity for massive performance improvement. Who better to educate the incoming VCs on what works, what doesn't, how to build and nurture relevant relationships etc than the guys who have been at it for decades.... yet this doesn't happen at any major firm I've heard from... including mine.
